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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



The lotus flower, often revered for its beauty and symbolism, holds a special place in various cultures around the world. Originating in Asia, particularly in countries like India and China, the lotus is known for its ability to grow in muddy waters and emerge unblemished and pristine. In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth, as it rises above the murky depths to blossom into a beautiful flower. Similarly, in Hinduism, the lotus is associated with creation, beauty, and the divine. Beyond its spiritual significance, the lotus is also admired for its elegant appearance and vibrant colors, making it a popular motif in art, literature, and architecture.

Question: What does the lotus symbolize in Buddhism?
A) Purity and enlightenment.
B) Fertility and growth.
C) Strength and resilience.
D) Wealth and prosperity.




解答: A) Purity and enlightenment.
説明: 本文中で述べられているように、仏教では蓮は純潔と悟りを象徴しています。蓮は泥水の中で育ちながらも、清らかな花として美しく咲きます。そのため、選択肢 A) 純潔と悟りが正解です。他の選択肢は、蓮の象徴する意味とは関係ありません。