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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



Skyscrapers, towering architectural marvels that define modern city skylines, have become iconic symbols of urbanization and technological advancement. These towering structures, typically exceeding 100 meters in height, are characterized by their steel frames, curtain walls, and innovative designs that allow for maximum space utilization within limited land areas. Skyscrapers serve multiple functions, housing offices, commercial spaces, and residential units, and often incorporate sustainable features to minimize environmental impact. From the Empire State Building in New York City to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, skyscrapers continue to captivate the imagination and shape the landscapes of cities around the world.

Question: What are skyscrapers primarily known for?
A) Serving as transportation hubs
B) Providing recreational spaces
C) Defining modern city skylines
D) Preserving natural landscapes




解答: C) Defining modern city skylines
説明: 英文中で、「Skyscrapers, towering architectural marvels that define modern city skylines」という表現があり、摩天楼は現代の都市の空中を定義する建造物であると述べられています。したがって、選択肢 C)「現代の都市の空中を定義する」が正しい答えです。