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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



The human gastrointestinal tract is home to a diverse community of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiota. Among these microorganisms are bacteria, which play crucial roles in digestion, metabolism, and overall health. The gut microbiota help break down complex carbohydrates and fibers that the human body cannot digest on its own, producing essential nutrients and short-chain fatty acids as byproducts. Additionally, these bacteria contribute to immune system function, protect against harmful pathogens, and influence various aspects of human physiology. Maintaining a balanced and diverse gut microbiota through a healthy diet rich in fiber and fermented foods is essential for promoting overall well-being and preventing gastrointestinal disorders.

Question: What is the primary function of the gut microbiota mentioned in the passage?
A) Producing complex carbohydrates
B) Aiding in immune system function
C) Breaking down proteins
D) Synthesizing vitamins




解答: B) Aiding in immune system function
説明: 英文中で、「these bacteria contribute to immune system function」と述べられています。したがって、選択肢 B)「免疫系の機能を支援する」が正しい答えです。