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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is a vital component of all living cells. It serves as a barrier that separates the interior of the cell from its external environment, controlling the passage of substances in and out of the cell. The cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer embedded with proteins, which regulate the transport of ions, nutrients, and other molecules across the membrane. Additionally, the membrane contains cholesterol molecules that provide stability and flexibility to the structure. This selective permeability allows the cell to maintain homeostasis and carry out essential functions such as nutrient uptake, waste removal, and cell signaling.


Question: What is the main function of the cell membrane described in the passage?
A) Production of energy
B) Protection against pathogens
C) Regulation of molecular transport
D) Storage of genetic information






解答: C) Regulation of molecular transport
説明: 本文では、細胞膜の主な機能として、分子の輸送を調節することが強調されています。細胞膜は、内外の環境を分離し、イオンや栄養分などの分子の通過を制御するバリアとして機能します。そのため、選択肢 C)「分子輸送の調節」という答えが適切です。