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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解




In recent years, the trend of urban gardening has taken root in cities around the globe. With limited space for traditional farming, innovative solutions have emerged, allowing city dwellers to cultivate their own vegetables. Rooftop gardens and vertical farming have become popular methods to overcome the challenge of limited space. These practices not only provide fresh produce to urban families but also contribute to the reduction of carbon footprint by decreasing the need for transportation and packaging. Furthermore, urban gardening fosters a sense of community among participants, as they share knowledge and resources. As a result, this movement is not only transforming unused spaces into green havens but also promoting sustainable living in urban environments.



What is the main benefit of urban gardening according to the passage?

A) It creates job opportunities in cities.

B) It increases the availability of fresh vegetables for city residents.

C) It leads to the development of new agricultural technologies.

D) It enhances recreational spaces in urban areas.








B) It increases the availability of fresh vegetables for city residents.

説明: 本文では、都市型ガーデニングが都市の家族に新鮮な生産物を提供し、それによって炭素足跡の削減にも貢献すると述べています。このことから、選択肢B「都市の住民にとって新鮮な野菜の入手可能性を高める」というのが、本文に基づく主な利点として最も適切であることが分かります。他の選択肢は本文で直接触れられていない内容です。