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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



The violin, a string instrument with four strings, is one of the most widely recognized and versatile musical instruments in the world. Its origins can be traced back to early Renaissance Italy, where it evolved from earlier bowed string instruments such as the medieval fiddle. The modern violin, with its characteristic shape and design, emerged in the 16th century and quickly gained popularity among both amateur and professional musicians. Renowned composers such as Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart have composed masterpieces for the violin, showcasing its expressive range and technical capabilities. Today, the violin continues to be an essential part of orchestras, chamber ensembles, and solo performances across various musical genres.

Question: What is the origin of the violin?
A) Ancient Greece
B) Renaissance Italy
C) Medieval England
D) Baroque France




解答: B) Renaissance Italy
説明: バイオリンの起源はルネサンス初期のイタリアにあります。文章中には、「Its origins can be traced back to early Renaissance Italy」という文があります。したがって、選択肢 B)「ルネサンス初期のイタリア」が正しい答えです。