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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



Spontaneous combustion is a phenomenon where a material self-ignites without the application of external heat sources. It occurs when certain substances, such as oily rags or coal, undergo a chemical reaction that generates enough heat to ignite without any apparent cause. Spontaneous combustion can pose significant fire hazards, especially in environments where combustible materials are present and proper precautions are not taken.

Question: What is spontaneous combustion?
A) A deliberate act of starting a fire
B) A phenomenon where a material ignites without external heat sources
C) A controlled chemical reaction in laboratories
D) A process of extinguishing fires automatically






解答: B) A phenomenon where a material ignites without external heat sources
説明: 自然発火(spontaneous combustion)は、外部の熱源の影響を受けずに物質が自己着火する現象です。文中で、「Spontaneous combustion is a phenomenon where a material self-ignites without the application of external heat sources」という表現があり、それが解答の根拠となります。したがって、選択肢 B)「物質が外部の熱源なしに着火する現象」が正しい答えです。