Over-the-counter (OTC) fever reducers, commonly known as antipyretics or fever-reducing medications, are widely used to alleviate symptoms of fever. These medications work by lowering body temperature, which can help relieve discomfort and promote restful sleep. Common examples of OTC fever reducers include acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil). While these medications can be effective for reducing fever, it's important to follow dosage instructions carefully and consult a healthcare professional if fever persists or worsens.
Question: What is the purpose of over-the-counter fever reducers?
A) To increase body temperature
B) To alleviate symptoms of fever
C) To induce sleepiness
D) To promote dehydration
解答: B) To alleviate symptoms of fever
説明: 英文中で、「These medications work by lowering body temperature, which can help relieve discomfort and promote restful sleep」という表現があり、市販の解熱剤は体温を下げることで作用し、不快感を軽減し、安眠を促進することができると述べられています。したがって、選択肢 B)「発熱の症状を軽減するため」が正しい答えです。