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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



Comets, often described as "dirty snowballs" or "cosmic snowballs," are small celestial bodies made up of dust, ice, and rocky debris. These icy remnants from the early solar system orbit the Sun in highly elliptical trajectories. As a comet approaches the Sun, its icy surface begins to vaporize, creating a glowing coma, or cloud of gas and dust, around the nucleus. The solar wind then blows the coma away from the Sun, forming a characteristic tail that points away from the solar disk. Comets are fascinating objects for astronomers and scientists, as they provide valuable insights into the composition and history of the solar system.

Question: What causes the formation of a glowing coma around a comet's nucleus?
A) Solar radiation
B) Gravitational pull
C) Surface erosion
D) Vaporization of ice




解答: D) Vaporization of ice
説明: 本文によれば、彗星の核の周りに発光コマが形成される原因は、その氷の蒸発によるものです。選択肢 D)「氷の蒸発」という答えが適切です。