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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is an agency of the United States Department of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency. Established in 1908, the FBI has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., and operates offices throughout the U.S. and abroad. Its main goal is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners. The FBI's range of duties includes counterterrorism, counterintelligence, cybercrime investigation, and civil rights enforcement.


What is one of the main goals of the FBI?

A) To promote U.S. cultural interests abroad
B) To protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats
C) To conduct financial audits of U.S. corporations
D) To provide educational scholarships to students






B) To protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats.
