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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



In many democratic countries, the political landscape is dominated by two major parties, commonly referred to as the two-party system. This system is characterized by the presence of two main political parties that typically compete for control of the government through elections. Each party represents a distinct set of ideologies, policies, and interests, and they often differ on key issues such as taxation, healthcare, and foreign policy. Examples of countries with a two-party system include the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. While other political parties may exist, they often have limited influence compared to the two major parties.


Question: What is a defining feature of the two-party system described in the passage?
A) Collaboration between multiple political parties
B) Competition for control of the government by two main parties
C) Cooperation among political rivals
D) Limited influence of the two major parties






解答: B) Competition for control of the government by two main parties
説明: 本文では、二大政党制の特徴として、二つの主要政党による政府の支配権をめぐる競争が強調されています。この制度では、通常、二つの主要政党が選挙を通じて政府の支配権を争い、他の政党はその影響力が限られる傾向があります。