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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



1) 英文本文
Switzerland, a landlocked country in central Europe, is renowned for its neutral political stance, high standard of living, and vibrant multicultural society. Its landscape is characterized by the Alps in the south and the Jura mountains in the northwest, attracting tourists with its breathtaking scenery and outdoor sports opportunities. Switzerland's economy is highly developed, with major contributions from the banking sector, pharmaceutical industry, and precision machinery manufacturing. Additionally, Switzerland is home to numerous international organizations, including the United Nations and the Red Cross, reflecting its long-standing commitment to diplomacy and global cooperation.


2) 問題と選択肢
What is the passage primarily about?
A) The economic sectors contributing to Switzerland's wealth
B) Switzerland's role in international diplomacy
C) The geographical and cultural characteristics of Switzerland
D) The tourism industry in Switzerland




3) 本文の日本語訳


4) 解答と説明
正解: C) The geographical and cultural characteristics of Switzerland
