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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



1) 英文本文
Papyrus, a reed plant that was once abundant along the Nile Delta, was an essential material in ancient Egypt for writing and record-keeping. The Egyptians sliced the pith of the papyrus plant into thin strips, which were then layered in perpendicular fashion and pressed to form sheets. These sheets, once dried, provided a smooth surface ideal for writing with ink. Papyrus was not only used in Egypt but also exported across the Mediterranean, where it was highly prized as a writing surface. The decline of papyrus use began with the rise of parchment and paper, which were more durable and versatile. However, many ancient texts and documents have survived on papyrus, providing invaluable insights into the past.


2) 問題と選択肢
What is the passage primarily about?
A) The process of making papyrus sheets
B) The use and significance of papyrus in ancient civilizations
C) The historical export value of papyrus
D) The decline of papyrus in favor of other materials




3) 本文の日本語訳


4) 解答と説明
正解: B) The use and significance of papyrus in ancient civilizations
