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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



1) 英文本文
Shot put, an ancient athletics event, has been a part of the Olympic Games since 1896. The sport involves throwing a heavy spherical object, the shot, as far as possible. Competitors take their throw from inside a designated circle, using various techniques to gain momentum and distance. The most common technique is the rotational style, which involves spinning in the circle to build speed before releasing the shot. Success in shot put requires a combination of strength, technique, and coordination. Over the years, shot put has evolved with athletes continually refining their techniques to achieve greater distances.


2) 問題と選択肢
What is the passage primarily about?
A) The history of shot put in the Olympic Games
B) The rules and regulations of shot put
C) Techniques used in the shot put event
D) The physical and technical skills required in shot put




3) 本文の日本語訳


4) 解答と説明
正解: D) The physical and technical skills required in shot put
