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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



The Great Lakes, also known as the Laurentian Great Lakes or the Great Lakes of North America, are a series of interconnected freshwater lakes located primarily in the upper Midwest region of North America. Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, they form the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth by total area, covering approximately 94,250 square miles (244,106 square kilometers). These lakes are an essential natural resource, supporting diverse ecosystems, providing drinking water to millions of people, and serving as a vital transportation route for goods and commerce.


Question: What is the main purpose of the Great Lakes mentioned in the passage?
A) Serving as a tourist attraction
B) Supporting diverse ecosystems
C) Generating hydroelectric power
D) Facilitating international trade






解答: B) Supporting diverse ecosystems
説明: 本文では、グレート・レイクスが多様な生態系を支える重要な天然資源であることが述べられています。これらの湖は生物の生息地としての役割を果たし、様々な動植物の生態系を維持しています。そのため、湖は主に多様な生態系を支えるためのものです。