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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



Australia, known for its diverse landscapes ranging from the arid Outback to lush rainforests, is also home to unique wildlife and vibrant cities. Its economy is robust, fueled by sectors such as mining, agriculture, and tourism. The Great Barrier Reef, one of the country's most famous natural attractions, draws visitors from around the globe. However, environmental challenges, including climate change and habitat destruction, pose threats to Australia's natural wonders. The country's indigenous cultures, rich in history and tradition, continue to play a significant role in its identity. Efforts to reconcile with indigenous communities and preserve their heritage are ongoing. As Australia looks to the future, it balances economic growth with the need to protect its natural environment and cultural heritage.


What is one of the major challenges facing Australia, as mentioned in the passage?

A) The decline in the mining sector
B) The impact of climate change on its environment
C) Decreasing tourism to the Great Barrier Reef
D) Loss of interest in preserving indigenous cultures






B) The impact of climate change on its environment
