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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 文法と語彙



問題1: 文法

A. The new manager has promised to implement several positive changes in the company.
B. Despite of his busy schedule, he always makes time for his family.
C. Each team member are required to submit their reports by the end of the day.
D. The company is planning on expanding its operations into international markets.


問題2: 語彙

The company's innovative products have quickly gained __________ among tech enthusiasts.
A. disturbance
B. popularity
C. neglect
D. tension


問題3: 文法と語彙


He asked me to borrow some money, but I refused him.




問題1: 文法
正解: B. Despite of his busy schedule, he always makes time for his family.
修正後: Despite his busy schedule, he always makes time for his family.

問題2: 語彙
正解: B. popularity

問題3: 文法と語彙
正解: He asked me to borrow some money, but I refused his request.