
実はビジネス英語・中国語は、日常会話より簡単です。 海外の企業とのメール、会議に必要な英語・中国語にはお決まりのパターンがあります。ご参考になる英語・中国語の例文、表現、サンプルメールなどをご紹介しています。あなたのキャリア・アップに役立てて頂ければ嬉しいです。

【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 文法と語彙



問題1: 文法

A. Our company recently launched a new product, which its features include advanced technology.
B. The manager asked if the employees can work overtime this weekend.
C. Despite the bad weather, the event will proceed as planned.
D. Neither of the candidates have the necessary qualifications for the job.


問題2: 語彙

The company's success can be attributed to its innovative products and strong __________ strategies.
A. marketing
B. conservation
C. transportation
D. resignation


問題3: 文法と語彙


The seminar was informative and provided me with much knowledges on the subject.

問題1: 文法
正解: A. Our company recently launched a new product, which its features include advanced technology.
修正後: Our company recently launched a new product, whose features include advanced technology.

問題2: 語彙
正解: A. marketing

問題3: 文法と語彙
正解: The seminar was informative and provided me with much knowledge on the subject.