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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



Silk, a natural fiber known for its luster and softness, has been valued for thousands of years. Originating from China, silk production involves a detailed process of cultivating silkworms and harvesting their cocoons. The silkworms are fed exclusively on mulberry leaves, which contribute to the fiber's unique quality. After the cocoons are harvested, they are boiled to extract the silk threads, which can then be spun into fabric. Due to its complex production process and the labor involved, silk has historically been associated with luxury and exclusivity. Today, it continues to be a highly sought-after material in the fashion industry, used in everything from high-end apparel to luxurious home furnishings.


What contributes to the unique quality of silk?

A) The exclusive use of mulberry leaves as food for silkworms.
B) The boiling of cocoons to extract threads.
C) The spinning process of the threads into fabric.
D) The historical association of silk with luxury.






A) The exclusive use of mulberry leaves as food for silkworms.
