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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



Read the following passage and answer the question below:

In an effort to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact, our company has implemented a series of eco-friendly initiatives. These include upgrading the lighting system to energy-efficient LED bulbs, installing solar panels on the office roof, and encouraging employees to use public transportation or carpooling.


Question: What is one of the eco-friendly initiatives mentioned in the passage?
A. Increasing energy consumption
B. Using traditional light bulbs
C. Installing solar panels
D. Discouraging employees from using public transportation




C. Installing solar panels

文章からわかるように、エコフレンドリーな取り組みの一部として、オフィスの屋根に太陽光パネルを設置することが挙げられています。したがって、正解はCの「Installing solar panels」です。