
実はビジネス英語・中国語は、日常会話より簡単です。 海外の企業とのメール、会議に必要な英語・中国語にはお決まりのパターンがあります。ご参考になる英語・中国語の例文、表現、サンプルメールなどをご紹介しています。あなたのキャリア・アップに役立てて頂ければ嬉しいです。

【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



Read the following passage and answer the question below:

A recent survey of employees in the tech industry found that a majority of them are interested in professional development opportunities. Many respondents expressed a desire for training programs that focus on improving their technical skills and leadership abilities. Additionally, the survey revealed that employees who receive such training tend to have higher job satisfaction and are more likely to stay with their current employers.


Question: What did the survey reveal about employees who receive professional development training?

A. They have lower job satisfaction.
B. They are more likely to leave their current employers.
C. They tend to have higher job satisfaction.
D. They are not interested in improving their skills.





C. They tend to have higher job satisfaction.


文章からわかるように、調査結果はプロフェッショナルな成長機会を受ける従業員は高い職場満足度を持つ傾向があることを示しています。したがって、正解はCの「They tend to have higher job satisfaction」です。