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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



問題: Read the following passage and answer the question below:

The company's recent financial report indicates a steady increase in revenue over the past year. This growth can be attributed to successful product launches and increased market share in key regions. Additionally, the company's cost-cutting measures have contributed to improved profitability.

Question: What are the key factors contributing to the company's revenue growth?

A. Reduced costs and successful product launches 
B. Increased market share and cost-cutting measures 
C. Improved profitability and steady increase in revenue 
D. Successful product launches and cost-cutting measures





解答: D. Successful product launches and cost-cutting measures

説明: 文章からわかるように、会社の収益成長の主要な要因は「成功した製品の発売」と「コスト削減対策」です。したがって、正解はDの「Successful product launches and cost-cutting measures」です。