
実はビジネス英語・中国語は、日常会話より簡単です。 海外の企業とのメール、会議に必要な英語・中国語にはお決まりのパターンがあります。ご参考になる英語・中国語の例文、表現、サンプルメールなどをご紹介しています。あなたのキャリア・アップに役立てて頂ければ嬉しいです。

【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



問題: 読解

Join XYZ Language School and Open Doors to a World of Opportunities!

Are you looking to enhance your career prospects and open up new doors in the global job market? Look no further! XYZ Language School is here to help you achieve your language learning goals.

Key Benefits of XYZ Language School:
- Experienced Instructors: Our dedicated team of experienced language instructors will guide you through the learning process.
- Comprehensive Programs: Choose from a wide range of language courses, including English, Spanish, French, and more.
- Flexible Schedules: We offer flexible class schedules to accommodate your busy lifestyle.
- Interactive Learning: Our innovative teaching methods focus on real-world communication skills.
- International Community: Join a diverse community of learners from around the world.

Upcoming Courses:
- Business English: Gain the language skills you need to excel in the international business arena.
- Traveler's French: Learn practical French for your next trip to Paris.
- Spanish for Beginners: Start your journey into the Spanish language and culture.
- TOEIC Preparation: Prepare for the TOEIC exam and boost your career opportunities.

Join us at XYZ Language School and unlock a world of opportunities! Contact us at info@xyzlanguageschool.com or call (555) 123-4567 to learn more and enroll today.

XYZ Language School - Your Gateway to Global Success!


What course is specifically designed to prepare you for the TOEIC exam?

A. Business English
B. Traveler's French
C. Spanish for Beginners
D. TOEIC Preparation




D. TOEIC Preparation

正解はDの「TOEIC Preparation」です。記事内で、「TOEIC Preparation: Prepare for the TOEIC exam and boost your career opportunities.」と明示的にTOEIC試験の準備コースが提供されています。