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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



問題: 読解

Dear Employees,

We are pleased to announce that our annual company picnic will be held on Saturday, August 20th, at Smith Park. This event is a great opportunity for all employees and their families to come together, enjoy some outdoor activities, and strengthen our team spirit.

The picnic will start at 10:00 AM and continue until 4:00 PM. We have planned various games and activities for both adults and children. There will be a friendly volleyball match, a tug-of-war competition, and a sack race. For the kids, we have organized face painting, a mini treasure hunt, and a bouncy castle.

Lunch will be provided, including delicious grilled options for the barbecue lovers and vegetarian choices as well. We encourage you to bring your own blankets or folding chairs for seating.

Please RSVP by August 10th, indicating the number of attendees from your family. We need this information for catering purposes.

We look forward to spending a fun and enjoyable day with all of you. Let's make this picnic a memorable event!

Best regards,
[Your Name]


What is one of the planned activities for children at the company picnic?

A. A friendly volleyball match
B. A tug-of-war competition
C. Face painting
D. Grilled options for the barbecue




正解はCの「Face painting」です。記事内で、「For the kids, we have organized face painting, a mini treasure hunt, and a bouncy castle.」と述べられており、子供たちのための計画されたアクティビティの一つとして「face painting」が挙げられています。