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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解





The music industry has undergone significant changes in recent years due to advancements in technology and shifts in consumer behavior. With the rise of streaming services and digital downloads, traditional sales of physical albums have declined. Artists now rely heavily on online platforms to promote and distribute their music. Social media plays a crucial role in connecting musicians with their fans and building a loyal following. Additionally, live performances and concerts have become major revenue sources for artists, as they offer opportunities to engage directly with audiences and sell merchandise. Despite these changes, music remains a powerful and universal form of expression, transcending boundaries and bringing people together from all walks of life.


What has become a major revenue source for artists in the music industry?
A) Physical album sales
B) Radio airplay royalties
C) Television appearances
D) Live performances and concerts





解答: D) ライブパフォーマンスとコンサート

説明: 本文では、音楽業界においてアーティストにとって主要な収入源となっているものとして、ライブパフォーマンスとコンサートが言及されています。他の選択肢は文中で言及されていないため、正解はD) ライブパフォーマンスとコンサートです。

【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解




Hawaii, a state located in the Pacific Ocean, is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and diverse culture. With its pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and majestic volcanoes, Hawaii attracts millions of tourists from around the world each year. The islands offer a wide range of outdoor activities, including surfing, snorkeling, hiking, and whale watching. In addition to its natural attractions, Hawaii is also celebrated for its rich cultural heritage, influenced by Polynesian, Asian, and Western traditions. Visitors can experience traditional Hawaiian luau feasts, explore historic sites such as Pearl Harbor, and immerse themselves in the vibrant local arts scene. Whether relaxing on the beach or exploring the vibrant city of Honolulu, Hawaii offers something for everyone to enjoy.


What is one of the main attractions of Hawaii mentioned in the passage?
A) Skiing in the mountains
B) Desert safaris
C) Exploring ancient ruins
D) Snorkeling and surfing






解答: D) シュノーケリングとサーフィン

説明: 本文では、ハワイの主な観光スポットとして、サーフィンやシュノーケリングなどのアウトドアアクティビティが言及されています。他の選択肢は文中で言及されていないため、正解はD) シュノーケリングとサーフィンです。


【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解




The Panama Canal is an artificial waterway that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, cutting across the Isthmus of Panama. It was completed in 1914 after years of construction and has since become one of the most important maritime routes in the world. The canal allows ships to avoid the long and treacherous journey around the southern tip of South America, known as Cape Horn, reducing travel time and costs significantly. The construction of the canal was a monumental engineering feat, requiring the excavation of millions of cubic meters of earth and the creation of a system of locks to raise and lower ships as they pass through the canal. Today, the Panama Canal remains a vital artery for global trade, facilitating the transportation of goods between the Atlantic and Pacific regions.

What is the Panama Canal primarily used for?
A) Generating hydroelectric power
B) Providing drinking water
C) Facilitating maritime trade
D) Irrigating farmland




解答: C) 海上貿易の促進

説明: 本文では、パナマ運河が世界の最も重要な海上ルートの一つとなっており、船が長く危険な航海を避けて大西洋と太平洋をつなぐことができることが述べられています。運河は世界の貿易を促進するために利用されており、正解はC) 海上貿易の促進です。


【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解




Brazil, the largest country in South America, is known for its rich biodiversity, vibrant culture, and stunning natural landscapes. The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," covers a significant portion of Brazil's territory and is home to countless species of plants and animals. In addition to its natural wonders, Brazil boasts a diverse cultural heritage influenced by indigenous, African, and European traditions. The country's music, dance, and cuisine reflect this multiculturalism, with samba, bossa nova, and feijoada being popular cultural exports. Furthermore, Brazil is renowned for its iconic landmarks, such as the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro and the Iguazu Falls on the border with Argentina.

What is Brazil known for?
A) Vast desert landscapes
B) Limited biodiversity
C) Diverse cultural heritage
D) Sparse population density




解答: C) 多様な文化遺産

説明: 本文では、ブラジルの特徴として豊かな生物多様性や活気ある文化、自然の驚異が挙げられています。特に、ブラジルの文化遺産は先住民、アフリカ、ヨーロッパの伝統に影響を受けた多様性があり、音楽、ダンス、料理などに反映されています。したがって、正解はC) 多様な文化遺産です。

【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解




The Impressionist movement emerged in France during the late 19th century. It was characterized by artists who aimed to capture the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere in their paintings. One of the key figures of this movement was Claude Monet, whose famous series of paintings "Water Lilies" exemplifies the Impressionist style. Rather than focusing on precise details, Monet sought to convey the overall impression of his subject matter through loose brushwork and vivid colors. The Impressionists often painted en plein air, or outdoors, to directly observe and capture the changing qualities of natural light. This departure from traditional artistic conventions sparked controversy at the time, but ultimately revolutionized the art world and paved the way for modern art movements.

What is the main characteristic of the Impressionist movement?
A) Detailed brushwork
B) Depiction of historical events
C) Emphasis on capturing light and atmosphere
D) Use of dark, muted colors





解答: C) 光や大気を捉えることへの強調

説明: 本文では、印象派運動の主な特徴が述べられています。それは、絵画で光や大気の移ろいやかな効果を捉えようとすることです。この運動の代表的な作品は、細部よりも対象物の全体的な印象を重視し、自由な筆さばきと鮮やかな色彩を用いて描かれました。この点を踏まえると、正解はC) 光や大気を捉えることへの強調です。


【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解




The Renaissance, a period of cultural rebirth in Europe, emerged in Italy during the 14th century and later spread to other parts of the continent. One of the defining features of the Renaissance was the revival of interest in classical art, literature, and learning. This renewed fascination with the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations led to a flourishing of creativity and innovation across various fields, including art, architecture, and science. Artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo created masterpieces that continue to captivate audiences to this day. Additionally, the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century played a pivotal role in disseminating knowledge and ideas, fueling the intellectual and cultural developments of the Renaissance.


What was a significant outcome of the Renaissance period?
A) Decline in interest in classical art
B) Restriction of artistic freedom
C) Revival of classical art and learning
D) Dominance of feudalism




解答: C) 古典的芸術と学問の復活


説明: 本文では、ルネサンス期の重要な結果として古典的な芸術や学問の復活が挙げられています。ルネサンスは、古代ギリシャやローマの文明への関心の再燃によって特徴付けられ、これが芸術、建築、科学などの分野での創造性と革新の繁栄をもたらしました。したがって、正解はC) 古典的芸術と学問の復活です。


【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解




  1. 英文本文: Vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet, providing essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Many people aim to incorporate a variety of vegetables into their meals to ensure they receive a diverse range of nutrients. From leafy greens like spinach and kale to root vegetables like carrots and potatoes, there are countless options to choose from. Additionally, vegetables can be prepared in various ways, including raw, steamed, roasted, or grilled, allowing for versatility in cooking and flavor.

  3. 問題と選択肢: Question: What is the main focus of the passage?

  4. A) Fruits

  5. B) Grains

  6. C) Vegetables

  7. D) Dairy products

  11. 本文の日本語訳: 野菜はバランスの取れた食事の重要な要素であり、ビタミン、ミネラル、食物繊維などの必須栄養素を提供しています。多くの人々は、多様な栄養素を摂取するために、食事にさまざまな野菜を取り入れることを目指しています。ほうれん草やケールなどの緑黄色野菜から、ニンジンやジャガイモなどの根菜まで、選択肢は数え切れません。さらに、野菜は生、蒸し、焼き、グリルなどさまざまな方法で調理することができ、料理や味の多様性を提供します。

  13. 解答と説明: 解答: C) Vegetables (野菜)

説明: 文章の主題は野菜に関するものです。文章は野菜がバランスの取れた食事において不可欠であることや、栄養価の多様性、調理方法の多様性などについて説明しています。したがって、正解はCの「Vegetables」です。