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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解




The Panama Canal is an artificial waterway that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, cutting across the Isthmus of Panama. It was completed in 1914 after years of construction and has since become one of the most important maritime routes in the world. The canal allows ships to avoid the long and treacherous journey around the southern tip of South America, known as Cape Horn, reducing travel time and costs significantly. The construction of the canal was a monumental engineering feat, requiring the excavation of millions of cubic meters of earth and the creation of a system of locks to raise and lower ships as they pass through the canal. Today, the Panama Canal remains a vital artery for global trade, facilitating the transportation of goods between the Atlantic and Pacific regions.

What is the Panama Canal primarily used for?
A) Generating hydroelectric power
B) Providing drinking water
C) Facilitating maritime trade
D) Irrigating farmland




解答: C) 海上貿易の促進

説明: 本文では、パナマ運河が世界の最も重要な海上ルートの一つとなっており、船が長く危険な航海を避けて大西洋と太平洋をつなぐことができることが述べられています。運河は世界の貿易を促進するために利用されており、正解はC) 海上貿易の促進です。