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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



1) 英文本文
The Himalayas, extending over 2,400 kilometers across five countries, are not only the highest mountain range in the world but also one of the youngest. Geologists believe the Himalayan range started forming about 50 million years ago due to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. This geological activity continues to shape the mountains today, contributing to their rising elevation. The region is renowned for its unique ecosystems and biodiversity, including several high-altitude plants and animals that are found nowhere else on Earth. Additionally, the Himalayas are vital for millions of people as they provide water resources originating from numerous glaciers, which are, however, threatened by climate change.


2) 問題と選択肢
What is the primary focus of the passage?
A) The economic importance of the Himalayas
B) The geological formation and importance of the Himalayas
C) The recreational activities available in the Himalayas
D) The political conflicts surrounding the Himalayan region




3) 本文の日本語訳


4) 解答と説明
正解: B) The geological formation and importance of the Himalayas
