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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



The concept of Intelligence Quotient, or IQ, was developed in the early 20th century as a standard measure of human intelligence. It is usually calculated by administering several mental tasks and puzzles, with the average IQ score being set at 100. Although widely used in educational and professional settings, the reliability of IQ tests as a sole measure of intelligence has been a topic of debate. Critics argue that these tests do not capture all aspects of intellectual ability, such as creativity and emotional intelligence. Despite this, IQ scores continue to be a significant criterion in many selection processes.


2) 問題と選択肢
What does the passage mainly discuss?
A) The history of IQ tests in professional environments
B) The various components of intelligence tests
C) The origins and significance of the Intelligence Quotient
D) The debate over the effectiveness of IQ tests




3) 本文の日本語訳


4) 解答と説明
正解: C) The origins and significance of the Intelligence Quotient
