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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 文法と語彙



文法: Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
A) Despite of the bad weather, the event was successful.
B) Despite the bad weather, the event was successful.
C) Despite for the bad weather, the event was successful.
D) Despite bad weather, the event was successful.




解答: B) Despite the bad weather, the event was successful.
説明: "Despite"は前置詞であり、後に直接名詞または代名詞が続きます。そのため、"Despite the bad weather"が正しい表現です。




語彙: Choose the word that best completes the sentence:
The new company policy aims to ____ productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
A) amplify
B) jeopardize
C) enhance
D) diminish




解答: C) enhance
説明: "Enhance"は「向上させる」という意味であり、文脈に合っています。他の選択肢は意味が異なります。例えば、"jeopardize"は「危険にさらす」を意味します。




文法: Select the sentence with the correct use of verb tense:
A) By the time the guests arrived, the food was already served.
B) I will finish my project by the end of this week.
C) They have gone to the cinema yesterday.
D) She will have been studying for five hours by the time you call her.




解答: A) By the time the guests arrived, the food was already served.
説明: "The guests arrived"と"the food was already served"は同時性を持っているため、過去完了形が使われる必要があります。したがって、この文が正しい形です。