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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



問題: Read the following passage and answer the question below:

As part of the company's sustainability initiative, employees are encouraged to reduce their use of single-use plastic items in the workplace. To support this effort, reusable water bottles and coffee cups have been provided to all staff members. In addition, recycling bins are conveniently placed throughout the office.

Question: What is one way the company supports employees in reducing their use of single-use plastic items? 

A. Providing free coffee in the office 
B. Encouraging employees to use disposable cups 
C. Offering reusable water bottles and coffee cups 
D. Increasing the use of plastic in the workplace





解答: C. Offering reusable water bottles and coffee cups

説明: 文章からわかるように、会社は従業員が使い捨てのプラスチック製品の使用を減らすのを支援するために再利用可能な水筒とコーヒーカップを提供しています。したがって、正解はCの「Offering reusable water bottles and coffee cups」です。