
実はビジネス英語・中国語は、日常会話より簡単です。 海外の企業とのメール、会議に必要な英語・中国語にはお決まりのパターンがあります。ご参考になる英語・中国語の例文、表現、サンプルメールなどをご紹介しています。あなたのキャリア・アップに役立てて頂ければ嬉しいです。

【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



Read the following passage and answer the question below:

John Smith, an experienced software engineer, has joined our company's development team. With over a decade of industry experience, John is well-equipped to lead the team in developing cutting-edge software solutions. His expertise in programming languages and software architecture is a valuable addition to our team.


Question: What is the main reason for John's addition to the company's development team?
A. His decade of industry experience
B. His expertise in programming languages
C. His position as a software engineer
D. His leadership skills




B. His expertise in programming languages

文章からわかるように、John Smithの主な付加価値はプログラミング言語に対する専門知識です。したがって、正解はBの「His expertise in programming languages」です。