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【楽々ビジネス英語】TOEIC対策 読解



1) 英文本文

The Rhine River, one of Europe's most significant waterways, originates in the Swiss Alps and flows through several countries including Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands before emptying into the North Sea. Spanning approximately 1,230 kilometers, it serves as a vital transport route for commodities and a source of hydroelectric power. The Rhine is also central to many cultural and historical narratives throughout Europe. Efforts to maintain its ecological health are crucial as it supports diverse ecosystems along its banks. Pollution control and sustainable management practices are employed to preserve its status as a key European river.


2) 問題と選択肢

What is the passage primarily about?

A) The transportation uses of the Rhine River

B) The ecological and management challenges of the Rhine River

C) The cultural significance of the Rhine River

D) An overview of the Rhine River, including its geography, uses, and ecological importance




3) 本文の日本語訳



4) 解答と説明

正解: D) An overview of the Rhine River, including its geography, uses, and ecological importance

解答説明: 本文はライン川の概要に焦点を当てており、その地理、用途、および生態的重要性について詳しく説明しています。選択肢Aはライン川の輸送用途について言及していますが、これは全体の一部に過ぎません。選択肢Bは生態的および管理上の課題に焦点を当てていますが、これも全体的な内容の一部です。選択肢Cはライン川の文化的意義について言及していますが、これは文化的側面です。したがって、選択肢Dが本文の内容を最も広く網羅しており、最も適切な答えです。